Our Family Allowances Office (FAK)
One office for the whole of Switzerland
Switzerland has 26 cantonal family allowance laws, all of which are processed by our office. Companies which pay their contributions through our office therefore have the advantage of only having to account the family allowances via a single point of contact – rather than through 26 cantonal compensation offices.
It is compulsory for all employers and self-employed persons to be a member of a family allowances office. To join our Family Allowances Office, it is necessary to be a member of the Arbeitgeberverband Basel (Basel Employers' Association) or of an association which is a member of the Employers' Association.
Entitlement of employees
Who is entitled to family allowances?
Employees who earn an income from one or more employers which is subject to OASI contributions that correspond to at least half of the minimum OASI old age pension (CHF 612/month) are entitled to family allowances (child and education allowances). The entitlement exists for biological and adoptive children as well as - under certain conditions - for stepchildren and foster-children, siblings and grandchildren. It starts at the month of birth and continues until the age of 16, and for children in education until the age of 25 at the latest.
You will find more information in our Information Sheet on Family Allowances in Accordance with Swiss Federal Law.
How do I assert my claim?
The family allowances are paid via the employer. The application form for receiving family allowances must be filled in by the employer and the applicant before being submitted to the employer's compensation office.
Translation assistance
Have you received a document from us which is written in a language you do not understand? The following documents will help you with the translation.
Accompanying letter to the questionnaire for recipients of family allowances with children abroad
Questionnaire for recipients of family allowances with children abroad
Application rejection
Confirmation of education
Please always return the original document if this is requested.
Entitlement of self-employed persons
Employees who earn an income from one or more employers which is subject to OASI contributions that correspond to at least half of the minimum OASI old age pension (CHF 612/month) are entitled to family allowances (child and education allowances). The entitlement exists for biological and adoptive children as well as - under certain conditions - for stepchildren and foster-children, siblings and grandchildren. It starts at the month of birth and continues until the age of 16, and for children in education until the age of 25 at the latest.
You will find more information in our Information Sheet on Family Allowances in Accordance with Swiss Federal Law.
How do I assert my claim?
The family allowances are paid via the employer. The application form for receiving family allowances must be filled in by the employer and the applicant before being submitted to the employer's compensation office.
Translation assistance
Have you received a document from us which is written in a language you do not understand? The following documents will help you with the translation.
Accompanying letter to the questionnaire for recipients of family allowances with children abroad
Questionnaire for recipients of family allowances with children abroad
Application rejection
Confirmation of education
Please always return the original document if this is requested.
Self-employed persons who have an income which is subject to OASI contributions that correspond to at least half of the minimum OASI old age pension (CHF 612/month) are entitled to family allowances (child and education allowances). The entitlement exists for biological and adoptive children as well as - under certain conditions - for stepchildren and foster-children, siblings and grandchildren. It starts at the month of birth and continues until the age of 16, and for children in education until the age of 25 at the latest.
You will find more information in our Information Sheet on Family Allowances in Accordance with Swiss Federal Law.
Entitlement of non-working persons
You will find more information in our Information Sheet on Family Allowances in Accordance with Swiss Federal Law.
As a rule, the allowances for non-working persons are paid by the Family Allowances Office of the canton of residence. An entitlement only exists if neither parent can assert a claim for allowances from employment.
Entitlement for children residing abroad
Allowances for children living abroad (only in contracting states)
Entitlement to family allowances for children residing abroad only exists, insofar as an international treaty provides for this possibility as well as for posted persons who remain insured in Switzerland.
In this respect, consult our Information Sheet on Entitlement to Family Allowances for Children Resident Abroad.
Translation assistance
Entitlement to family allowances for children residing abroad only exists, insofar as an international treaty provides for this possibility as well as for posted persons who remain insured in Switzerland.
In this respect, consult our Information Sheet on Entitlement to Family Allowances for Children Resident Abroad.
Have you received a document from us which is written in a language you do not understand? The following documents will help you with the translation.
Please always return the original document if this is requested.
Please always return the original document if this is requested.